



Jim SLattery

Jim, a six-term U.S. Congressman, was a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee during his entire 12-year tenure in Congress. This Committee has broad jurisdiction over health care, energy, telecommunications, and environmental issues. He also served on the House Budget Committee, House Financial Services Committee, and House Veterans' Affairs Committee. Jim advises clients who have matters pending before Congress, federal agencies, and regulatory bodies. He has experience in energy, railroads, health care, insurance, international trade, and telecommunications.

Jim travels regularly to the Middle East to encourage interfaith dialogue and reconciliation. He has served as an international election monitor in countries like Iraq, Ukraine, and Nicaragua. He also lectures university students on foreign policy matters and Congress, including the Navel Academy, the United States Military Academy at West Point, and Pennsylvania State University.



Jason Slattery

Jason Slattery has served as a consultant and advisor in the non-profit, corporate and agriculture sectors for over 15 years. He has a broad spectrum of experience in consulting, sales, advocacy and program development that has helped shape communities. He currently consults with Eden Green Technology in Dallas/Fort Worth and the DC Dream Center in Washington, DC. He is skilled at government relations, developing partnerships, advocacy, sales, fundraising, and program management. 

Jason is particularly passionate about climate change, agriculture, and renewable energy. He was a board member for an urban farming organization in Kansas City for eight years and was integral in constructing and helping implement the organization’s communications and fundraising efforts over the years. He’s served as an active volunteer participant for several climate advocacy organizations in Kansas City, Washington DC and New York City. He assists clients navigating government relations as they move the United States toward an environmentally sustainable future.